[ddp] chkrootkit : Checks for signs of rootkits on the local system

daily-debian-package at enix.org daily-debian-package at enix.org
Fri Jan 11 12:00:11 CET 2008


Today, I'm happy to present you the Debian package chkrootkit, which is
part of the misc section, and maintained by lantz moore
<lmoore at debian.org>. 

This package contains : Checks for signs of rootkits on the local

chkrootkit identifies whether the target computer is infected with a rootkit.
Some of the rootkits that chkrootkit identifies are:
 1. lrk3, lrk4, lrk5, lrk6 (and some variants);
 2. Solaris rootkit;
 3. FreeBSD rootkit;
 4. t0rn (including latest variant);
 5. Ambient's Rootkit for Linux (ARK);
 6. Ramen Worm;
 7. rh[67]-shaper;
 8. RSHA;
 9. Romanian rootkit;
 10. RK17;
 11. Lion Worm;
 12. Adore Worm.
Please note that this is not a definitive test, it does not ensure that the
target has not been cracked. In addition to running chkrootkit, one should
perform more specific tests.

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Daily Debian package, by Thomas Petazzoni, thanks to Jérome Petazzoni
Daily-debian-package at the-doors.enix.org

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